To honour the memory of Sandy Aberdeen who passed away September 11, 2023, his family and those who had the privilege of knowing him would like to set up a bursary in his name at the Faculty of Science, University of Calgary, to support students in the Environmental Science Program.
Sandy Aberdeen was passionate about climate change and the complexities of ecological degradation. He had a gift for talking "with" people, not "at" people, with gentle humour and kindness. He spoke in a non-judgmental way about the catastrophic impacts our lifestyle has on the environment. He talked with people everywhere: in their doorways, in the classroom and at rallies.
In 2015, he was a founding member of Calgary Citizens on Climate Change (4C), a political advocacy and activism group, which he coordinated and chaired, weekly, for the next eight years.
Sandy believed in addressing the climate crisis on multiple fronts: incentivizing renewable energy and speeding up the move to low emission alternatives, reducing consumption, enforcing regulations to improve conventional oil and gas operations, investing in urban food security and educating. Educating legislators, schoolchildren, his community and his family and friends. He stopped eating meat, he experimented with backyard food technologies, and resisted air travel. This scholarship is a fitting tribute to support the next generation of climate activists committed to solving the climate crisis.
Please consider contributing to the Sandy Aberdeen Memorial Fund. All donations are eligible for a charitable tax receipt.
An endowment (minimum of $25,000 required to create) will generate interest yearly to support this scholarship perpetually, carrying on Sandy’s legacy.
Note: If by September 30, 2024, the total received from all donors exceeds $10,000 but does not reach $25,000, the funds will be used to create the Sandy Aberdeen Memorial Bursary. If the total amount received from all donors does not reach the fundraising goal of $10,000, contributions will be used to support the Faculty of Science – Environmental Science Program Fund. Please note the University shall not be required to return any portion of the gifts already paid.
If you have any questions or would like to make a donation by cheque, please contact